稀有度 4★ - 6★
主要功能 物理傷害
獲得方式 稀有召喚
期間限定 不是
國際版原創 不是
性別 男‎
類別 人系
No. 718, 719, 720
信賴獎勵 忠義的武人忠義的武人
提高攻擊 (30%)
提高暴擊率 (20%)



資料[ | ]

數據(未計入被動能力)[ | ]

稀有度 HP MP 攻擊 防禦 魔力 精神 攻擊數 攻擊掉落 經驗值模式
4★ 2150 89 85 73 64 73 3 3 LB 6
5★ 2794 116 111 96 84 95 3 4 LB 6
6★ 3582 152 145 125 110 124 3 4 LB 6

最高數據 (使用罐突破界限)[ | ]

稀有度 HP MP 攻擊 防禦 魔力 精神
4★ 210 35 18 14 14 14
5★ 240 40 24 16 16 16
6★ 390 65 34 26 26 26

耐性[ | ]

Fire Resistance Ice Resistance Lightning Resistance Water Resistance Wind Resistance Earth Resistance Light Resistance Dark Resistance
- - - - - - - -
Poison Resistance Blind Resistance Sleep Resistance Silence Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confuse Resistance Disease Resistance Petrification Resistance
- - - - - - - -

裝備[ | ]

Dagger Sword Katana
Hat Helm Clothes Light Armor Heavy Armor Accessory
稀有度 能力槽數 魔法等級
4★ 3 -
5★ 4 -
6★ 4 -

固有能力[ | ]

特殊[ | ]

稀有度 等級 圖片 名稱 效果 段數 MP
4★ 19 背後攻擊 背後攻擊 攻擊1名敵人 (3x) 1 30
4★ 60 虎鐵一閃 虎鐵一閃 攻擊1名敵人 (1.9x)
降低防禦/精神 (40%) 3回合
1 20
5★ 39 心眼菊一文字 心眼菊一文字 攻擊1名敵人 (1.9x)
降低攻擊/魔力 (40%) 3回合
1 20
5★ 54 居合斬 居合斬 對全體敵人施加致死一擊效果 (30%) - 12
5★ 66 激發 激發 提高全體隊員攻擊/魔力 (80%) 3回合 - 80
6★ 36 飛燕 飛燕 對全體敵人發動無視部分防禦 (50%) 的攻擊 (1.5x) 2 36
6★ 100 斬瞬刀 斬瞬刀 攻擊1名敵人 (2.8x)
發動者提高極限石增加量 (200%) 3回合
8 36
稀有度 等級 圖片 名稱 效果
4★ 40 自動再生 自動再生 戰鬥中自動附帶再生效果 (60 HP, 1.2x)
5★ 18 安全防禦 (柯爾) 安全防禦 失明混亂生病無效
5★ 80 不死將軍 不死將軍 當HP超過30%時,一定機率 (100%)避免陷入無法戰鬥狀態 (最多1次)
受到物理攻擊時一定機率 (20%)使用不死將軍恢復自身HP (400 HP, 2x)
受到魔法攻擊時一定機率 (20%)使用不死將軍恢復自身HP (400 HP, 2x)
6★ 1 刀之奧義改 刀之奧義改 裝備時提高攻擊 (80%)
6★ 57 路希斯三強 路希斯三強 提高HP (20%)、精神 (10%)
6★ 87 拔刀術 拔刀術 雙手只裝備一把單手武器時時提高裝備上的攻擊 (80%)
雙手只裝備一把單手武器時提高命中 (25%)
條件 名稱 效果 段數 MP
不死將軍 恢復自身HP (400 HP, 2x)

能力覺醒[ | ]

名稱 效果 段數 MP 類型 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Gil
斬瞬刀 +1 攻擊1名敵人 (3x)
發動者提高極限石增加量 (200%) 3回合
8 36 攻擊 15 10 8 2 1 Gil500,000
斬瞬刀 +2 攻擊1名敵人 (3.5x)
發動者提高極限石增加量 (300%) 3回合
8 36 攻擊 23 15 12 4 1 Gil500,000
路希斯三強 +1 提高HP/攻擊 (20%)、精神 (10%) - - 支援 10 8 3 - - Gil120,000
路希斯三強 +2 提高HP (30%)、MP (30%)、攻擊 (20%)、精神 (10%) - - 支援 15 12 5 1 - Gil120,000
拔刀術 +1 雙手只裝備一把單手武器時時提高裝備上的攻擊 (100%)
雙手只裝備一把單手武器時提高命中 (25%)
- - 技巧 20 15 10 2 1 Gil500,000
拔刀術 +2 雙手只裝備一把單手武器時時提高裝備上的攻擊 (150%)
雙手只裝備一把單手武器時提高命中 (25%)
提高極限技傷害 (25%)
- - 技巧 30 23 15 4 2 Gil500,000

極限技[ | ]

稀有度 名稱 效果 段數 消耗
4★ 獅吼 最低 對1名敵人發動無視防禦 (50%)的攻擊 (2.5x)
降低攻擊/防禦/魔力/精神 (10%) 3回合
1 12 LB
最高 對1名敵人發動無視防禦 (50%)的攻擊 (3.2x)
降低攻擊/防禦/魔力/精神 (24%) 3回合
5★ 獅吼 最低 對1名敵人發動無視防禦 (50%)的攻擊 (3x)
降低攻擊/防禦/魔力/精神 (15%) 3回合
1 16 LB
最高 對1名敵人發動無視防禦 (50%)的攻擊 (3.95x)
降低攻擊/防禦/魔力/精神 (34%) 3回合
6★ 獅吼 最低 對1名敵人發動無視防禦 (50%)的攻擊 (3.5x)
降低攻擊/防禦/魔力/精神 (20%) 3回合
1 20 LB
最高 對1名敵人發動無視防禦 (50%)的攻擊 (4.7x)
降低攻擊/防禦/魔力/精神 (44%) 3回合

覺醒素材[ | ]

5★ 6★
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Crimson Tear深紅之淚 (25)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Fury Seed鬥氣之種 (13)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Sacred Crystal神幻結晶 (15)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Bizarre Box異想天開之箱 (8)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Holy Crystal神魔結晶 (5)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Calamity Writ終焉的預言書 (20)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Fairies' Writ妖精王密書 (10)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Rainbow Bloom樂園的幻虹花 (10)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Calamity Gem災禍的封神珠 (5)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Divine Crystal神魔王結晶 (5)

各星等[ | ]

4★ 5★ 6★
柯爾 柯爾 柯爾

語錄[ | ]


4★ 『柯爾』來自異界伊歐斯,是路希斯王國的將軍,人稱「不死將軍」,是個魁梧的武人,實力非凡。他出生於一個不是很富裕的家庭,少年時加入了王都警衛隊。由於身體強壯、英勇善戰,年紀輕輕就被派遣到前線,立下了赫赫軍功。自尼弗海姆帝國攻陷王都後,他一邊留意諾克提斯的成長,一邊輾轉國內各地注視帝國的動向。
5★ A commander of the Kingdom of Lucis spoken of in stories from the faraway land of Eos. Cor is a well-built military man appropriately known by many as the "The Immortal," as his abilities more than live up to the title. Originally born into a humble household, he joined the Crown City's Crownsguard at a very young age and immediately stood out due to his innate talents in battle. This eventually led to his assignment defending the front lines, for which he was recognized with many accolades. Following Niflheim's attack on the Crown City, Cor has been traveling from region to region collecting more information on the empire's movements, and looking over Prince Noctis during his journey.
6★ A commander of the Kingdom of Lucis spoken of in stories from the faraway land of Eos. Cor has been fighting in the front lines since his youth, and his countless escapes from the clutches of death haved earned him the name of "The Immortal" amongst his comrades. When the Crown City of Insomnia suffered an attack at the hands of the Empire of Niflheim, he was sent to help the people outside of the Citadel to flee and find refuge. Unfortunately, however, this mission would lead him away from King Regis during his final moments. Cor's inability to protect his liege at the time still haunts him to this day.


4★ See your opponents for what they are.
Haste is the bane of strategy.
5★ Numbers alone don't decide a battle.
What you lack in numbers,
you make up for in tactics.
6★ When facing a strong enemy you
must aim for their weak point.
Victory comes to those who earn it.


5★ I cannot fall here.
You're only as good as your last battle.
6★ You can never have too many tools.
Regardless the situation, you must think of multiple ways out.


4★ I'll go with you, for the time being.
Not only to help, but to get a measure of your strength.
5★ Worrying will only compromise your focus.
Fulfill the role which you were assigned.
6★ I have plenty of battle experience.
I will faithfully carry out my responsibility.


Believe in your friends, and make
the most of yourself. You are not alone.

其他資訊[ | ]
