稀有度 3★ - 4★
主要功能 支援, 冶療
性別 女‎
類別 人系
No. 95, 96
信賴獎勵 [[治病]]

A warrior of the viera, a rabbit-eared race, whose tale is told in the distant world of Ivalice. Atypical of her reclusive people, she left her homeland to venture into hume society, where she fights as the trusted comrade of the sky pirate Balthier. She is a formidable figure, possessed of great knowledge, experience, and the heightened sensitivity to Mist unique to her kind, and provides cool, confident advice to her companions while keeping a professional distance.

資料[ | ]

數據(未計入被動能力)[ | ]

稀有度 HP MP 攻擊 防禦 魔力 精神 攻擊數 攻擊掉落 經驗值模式
3★ 1389 67 58 58 59 60 1 4 LB 3
4★ 1792 86 75 75 76 78 1 8 LB 3

耐性[ | ]

Fire Resistance Ice Resistance Lightning Resistance Water Resistance Wind Resistance Earth Resistance Light Resistance Dark Resistance
- - - - - - - -
Poison Resistance Blind Resistance Sleep Resistance Silence Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confuse Resistance Disease Resistance Petrification Resistance
- - - - - - - -

裝備[ | ]

Bow Gun
Light Shield Hat Clothes Light Armor Accessory
稀有度 能力槽數 等級
3★ 2 White Magic Affinity Lvl 4, Black Magic Affinity Lvl 4, Green Magic Affinity Lvl 3
4★ 3 White Magic Affinity Lvl 5, Black Magic Affinity Lvl 5, Green Magic Affinity Lvl 4

固有能力[ | ]

特殊[ | ]

稀有度 等級 圖片 名稱 效果 MP
3★ 1 Aim 狙擊 攻擊一名敵人(1.2x) 3

魔法[ | ]

稀有度 等級 圖片 名稱 效果 MP
3★ 1 Libra 窺伺探測 查看一名敵人的情報 1
3★ 1 Poisona 解毒 治療一名隊員的中毒狀態 3
3★ 1 Bio 毒化 對1名敵人發動暗屬性攻擊(1.2x)+中毒(15%) 5
3★ 13 Deprotect 弱守 降低1名敵人防禦的數值(20%)3回合 4
4★ 6 Cura 中療傷 恢復全體隊員的HP(400HP, 3x) 7
4★ 28 Biora 猛毒化 對全體敵人發動暗屬性攻擊(1.25x)+中毒(15%) 12
4★ 43 Deshell 弱心 降低一名敵人精神數值(20%)3回合 4

極限技[ | ]

稀有度 名稱 效果
3★ 亂命割殺掌 最低: 攻擊1名敵人造成物理傷害 (2x)
最高: 攻擊1名敵人造成物理傷害 (2.45x)
4★ 強甲破點踢 最低: 攻擊1名敵人造成物理傷害(2.2x)
最高: 攻擊1名敵人造成物理傷害 (2.9x)

覺醒[ | ]

稀有度 素材1 素材2 素材3 素材4 素材5
4★ 魅惑之沙魅惑之沙 (20) 魔幻結晶魔幻結晶 (10) 優質部件優質部件 (8) 天空聖灰天空聖灰 (3) 神幻結晶神幻結晶 (3)

各階段[ | ]

3★ 4★
芙蘭 芙蘭

背景故事[ | ]

3★ A warrior of the viera, a rabbit-eared race, whose tale is told in the distant world of Ivalice. Atypical of her reclusive people, she left her homeland to venture into hume society, where she fights as the trusted comrade of the sky pirate Balthier. She is a formidable figure, possessed of great knowledge, experience, and the heightened sensitivity to Mist unique to her kind, and provides cool, confident advice to her companions while keeping a professional distance.
4★ A storied warrior of the viera, a rabbit-eared race hailing from the distant world of Ivalice. She is the fast friend and loyal comrade of Balthier, the cocky and cunning sky pirate who claims to pilot the fastest vessel in the world. Possessed of deep knowledge of history and tradition, the heightened sensitivity to Mist unique to her kind, and expert skill with airship technology, she proves an impressive ally to Ashe and her companions.

備註[ | ]


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