稀有度 4★ - 6★
主要功能 支援、Debuff
獲得方式 稀有召喚
期間限定 不是
國際版原創 不是
性別 男‎
類別 人系
No. 594, 595, 596
信賴獎勵 德修耳環德修耳環




資料[ | ]

數據(未計入被動能力)[ | ]

稀有度 HP MP 攻擊 防禦 魔力 精神 攻擊數 攻擊掉落 經驗值模式
4★ 2113 105 77 74 80 76 2 4 LB 6
5★ 2747 136 100 96 104 100 2 5 LB 6
6★ 3572 178 131 126 136 130 2 6 LB 6

最高數據 (使用罐突破界限)[ | ]

稀有度 HP MP 攻擊 防禦 魔力 精神
4★ 240 40 16 16 16 16
5★ 300 50 20 20 20 20
6★ 450 75 30 30 30 30

耐性[ | ]

Fire Resistance Ice Resistance Lightning Resistance Water Resistance Wind Resistance Earth Resistance Light Resistance Dark Resistance
- - - - - - - -
Poison Resistance Blind Resistance Sleep Resistance Silence Resistance Paralysis Resistance Confuse Resistance Disease Resistance Petrification Resistance
- - - - - - - -

裝備[ | ]

Dagger Sword Katana Bow Spear Throwing
Light Shield Hat Helm Clothes Light Armor Accessory
稀有度 能力槽數 魔法等級
4★ 3 Black Magic Affinity Lvl 5, Green Magic Affinity Lvl 4
5★ 4 Black Magic Affinity Lvl 6, Green Magic Affinity Lvl 4
6★ 4 Black Magic Affinity Lvl 7, Green Magic Affinity Lvl 4

固有能力[ | ]

特殊[ | ]

稀有度 等級 圖片 名稱 效果 段數 MP
4★ 12 Full Break 身心潰擊 攻擊1名敵人 (1.6x)
降低攻擊,防禦,魔力,精神四項數值 (30%) 3回合
1 14
4★ 60 Anti-ATK/SPR Spark 攻精滅雷 降低所有敵人攻擊、精神 (45%) 3回合 - 48
5★ 60 Anti-DEF/MAG Spark 魔防滅雷 降低所有敵人魔力、防禦 (45%) 3回合 - 48
5★ 80 Lucky Strike 天運雷鳴 隨機使用:
(75%) 天運雷鳴: 讓1名隊員物理攻擊附加雷屬性
(25%) 天運雷鳴: 消耗1名隊員HP (50%)

6★ 10 Entrust 託付 消耗自身極限技槽恢復隊員極限技槽 - 18
6★ 40 Anti-ATK/DEF Spark 攻防滅雷 降低所有敵人攻擊、防禦 (45%) 3回合 - 48
6★ 60 Anti-MAG/SPR Spark 魔精滅雷 降低所有敵人魔力、精神 (45%) 3回合 - 48
6★ 80 Annihilate 殲滅 攻擊1名敵人 (2x)
2 10
6★ 100 Thunder Guide 雷霆守護 攻擊1名敵人 (3x)
降低雷屬性耐性 (50%) 3回合
3 45
稀有度 等級 圖片 名稱 效果
4★ 1 Chivalry 袒護女性 一定機率袒護我方女性兵員 (5%)
5★ 20 Auto-Refresh 自動精神振奮 戰鬥中自動附帶精神振奮效果(每回合回復5% MP)
5★ 20 HP +20% HP +20% 提高20%HP
5★ 40 DEF +20% 防禦 +20% 提高20%防禦
5★ 40 SPR +20% 精神 +20% 提高20%精神
6★ 1 Man on a Mission 使命在身 麻痺石化無效
6★ 15 Ancient Wisdom 古老睿智 受到物理攻擊時一定機率 (20%)使用古老睿智
條件 名稱 效果 段數 MP
古老睿智 降低1名敵人防禦 (50%) 3回合 - -

魔法[ | ]

稀有度 等級 圖片 名稱 效果 段數 MP
4★ 20 Thundara 中雷電 對全體敵人發動雷屬性攻擊 (1.4x) 1 9
4★ 30 Imperil 弱化 降低1名敵人全屬性耐性的數值 (20%) 3回合 - 15
4★ 40 Osmose 攝魔 魔法攻擊1名敵人 (0.3x) 並吸取MP (30%) 1 10
5★ 50 Thundaga 大雷電 對全體敵人發動雷屬性攻擊 (1.8x) 1 20

專屬能力[ | ]

圖片 名稱 效果 段數 MP
Casanova 風流浪子 提高HP (15%)
風流浪子 (能力)
- -

能力覺醒[ | ]

名稱 效果 段數 MP 類型 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Gil
天運雷鳴 +1
(85%) 天運雷鳴讓1名隊員物理攻擊附加雷屬性 3回合
(15%) 天運雷鳴消耗1名隊員HP (50%)

10 綠色 10 8 3 - - Gil120,000
天運雷鳴 +2
(95%) 天運雷鳴讓1名隊員物理攻擊附加雷屬性 3回合
(5%) 天運雷鳴讓1名隊員物理攻擊附加雷屬性 3回合
消耗1名隊員HP (50%)

10 綠色 15 12 5 1 - Gil120,000
雷霆守護 +1 攻擊1名敵人 (3x)
降低雷屬性耐性 (50%) 5回合
3 45 技巧 15 10 8 2 - Gil500,000
雷霆守護 +2 攻擊1名敵人 (3.5x)
降低雷屬性耐性 (75%) 5回合
3 45 技巧 23 15 12 4 2 Gil500,000
使命在身 +1 提高MP (30%)
- - 支援 10 5 1 - - Gil60,000
使命在身 +2 提高HP/MP (30%)
提高雷屬性耐性 (50%)
- - 支援 15 8 2 1 - Gil60,000

極限技[ | ]

稀有度 名稱 效果 段數 消耗
4★ 古代神雷 最低 Lightning physical damage (2.5x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Inflict paralyze (80%) to one enemy
1 12 LB
最高 Lightning physical damage (3.2x) with ignore DEF (55%) to one enemy
Inflict paralyze (80%) to one enemy
5★ 古代神雷 最低 Lightning physical damage (2.7x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Inflict paralyze (90%) to one enemy
2 16 LB
最高 Lightning physical damage (3.65x) with ignore DEF (55%) to one enemy
Inflict paralyze (90%) to one enemy
6★ 古代神雷 最低 Lightning physical damage (2.9x) with ignore DEF (50%) to one enemy
Inflict paralyze (100%) to one enemy
3 20 LB

24 LB
最高 Lightning physical damage (4.1x) with ignore DEF (60%) to one enemy
Inflict paralyze (100%) to one enemy

覺醒素材[ | ]

5★ 6★
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Seed of Life生命種子 (25)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Fury Seed鬥氣之種 (13)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Sacred Crystal神幻結晶 (15)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Bizarre Box異想天開之箱 (8)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Holy Crystal神魔結晶 (8)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Calamity Writ終焉的預言書 (20)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Fairies' Writ妖精王密書 (10)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Calamity Gem災禍的封神珠 (10)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Rainbow Bloom樂園的幻虹花 (5)
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Icon-Divine Crystal神魔王結晶 (5)

各星等[ | ]

4★ 5★ 6★
德修 德修 德修

語錄[ | ]


4★ 『德修』雖然長時間失去了記憶,但和光之戰士一起到訪歐文塔之後,他才想起自己的真實身分。他不僅是古代人,還是塔的監察員,為了不讓支撐著「漂浮大陸」的塔崩壞,他賭上性命修理。
5★ A young man hailing from another world where tales are passed down of the Crystals and the Warriors of Light. Desch had lost his memory for quite some time until he visited the Tower of Owen with the Warriors of Light, and began remembering his true identity. He was none other than the son of Owen the Ancient, tasked with looking after the Tower of Owen in his father's absence. Upon the Tower's completion, he had been placed in cryogenic sleep, a state that caused his memories to deteriorate over time. Meant to only awaken if the Tower were ever in danger, he fulfilled his duty by sacrificing his life in order to stabilize it.
6★ A young man hailing from another world where tales are passed down of the Crystals and the Warriors of Light. Desch begins regaining his memories when he joins the Warriors of Light in their quest to save the world. Once they reach the Tower of Owen, all of his memories come flooding back and he remembers that not only is he is an Ancient, but also the caretaker of the Tower. Tasked with making sure that it never fails to keep the Floating Continent stable, he risks his life to secure the crumbling structure. Although many thought him dead after this feat, he actually survived to lend the Warriors of Light a hand when they needed it most.


4★ That feels good!
Who knows, maybe my memories might...
Nah, that'd be impossible.
5★ A lot happened to me,
and I found myself asleep for a long time.
But I'm wide awake, now!
6★ As strong as I am now,
surely all the beautiful ladies around
will start falling in love with me!


5★ I can sense great power...
I must be strong enough to complete my mission.
Leave it to me!
6★ The danger never ends!
It's okay, I'll think of something!


4★ I have lost my memory.
All I am able to recall is my own name.
5★ I once had an important mission
much like yourselves.
That's why I will help you!
6★ I am Desch.
Repairs on the tower are done,
guess I'll help you all out!


Alright, where are we headed next?
As long as I'm with you,
I'm down to go anywhere!

其他資訊[ | ]

